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What We Offer
We are providing laboratory analysis for your product of business
Our Services
Food & Beverages
Product Testing
Testing Services
- Nutritional Fact
* Malaysia Standard
* International Standard
- Heavy Metal Testing
- Microbiological Testing
* Aerobic Plate Count
* Yeast and Moulds Count
* E.coli Count
* Coliform Count
* Enumeration of Staph. Aureus
* Detection of Salmonella spp.
* Enumeration of Listeria
* Antioxidant Assay
* Shelf Life Study
Product Categories
- Dairy Products
- Flour and Confectionery
- Non – alcoholic Beverages
- Sauces, Herbs, Spices and
- Honey and Honey Products
- Nuts, Fruits, Vegetables and
Derived Products
- Fish and Fish Products Meat,
Poultry and
Derived Products
- Egg and Egg Products
- Sugar and Sugar Products
- Infant Foods
- Nutritional Supplement
- Drinking water
- Ice

F&B Testing

Our Services
Pharmaceutical And Cosmetic Product Testing
Product Categories
Pharmaceutical Products Herbal *
Medicinal Products *
Health Supplement *
Food - drug Interphase Products *
Patches & Plaster *
Cosmetics *
Cream,Lotion, Ointment, Powder,
Solution, Soap, Perfume and Cleanser
Testing Services
Nutritional Fact
Malaysia Standard *
International Standard *
Microbiological Testing
Total​ Aerobic Plate Count *
Total Combined Yeast *
/ Moulds Count
E.coli Count *
Detection of Salmonella *
Detection of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa *
Detection of E.coli *
Detection of Staph.Aureus *
Detection of Candida Albicans *
Bile - tolerant Gram negative Bacteria *
Chemical Compound Analysis (GCMS) *
Antioxidant Assay *
Shelf Life Study *
Pharma & Cosmetic Testing
Our Services
Halal Services
Testing Services
- Detection of Porcine DNA
Via Conventional PCR
- Alcohol Detection Via GCMS
- Physical Examination of Pig
Hair and Pig Skin
- JAKIM HALAL Certification
- HALAL Concept Training
- HALAL Quality Assurance
- HALAL & Toyyiban Process System
- HALAL Warehouse System

Halal Services
Environmental Testing
Heavy Metal Testing
Aggregate Organic
Constituents Testing
Inorganic Non - Metallic
Constituents Testing
Physical & Aggregate Testing
Microbiological Testing
Total Coliform Count *
E.coli Count *
Environmental & Personal
Physical & Aggregate
Surface Swab Sampling *
Settle Plate *
Air Monitoring

MBio Sihat
Diagnostic Laboratory
Testing Services
Differential White Cell Count
Neutrophils -
Lymphocytes -
Monocytes -
Eosinophils -
Basophils -
Full Blood Count (FBC)
Haemoglobin (Hb) -
White Blood Count (HBC) -
Platelet Count (Plt) -
Red Cell Count (RBC) -
Haematocrit (HCT) -
Mean Cell Volume - Red Cell (MCV) -
Mean Cell Haemoglobin (MCH) -
Clinical Biochemistry

Renal Profile
Lipid Profile
Cholesterol -
Triglyceride -
Sodium -
Calcium -
Phosphate -
Urea -
Creatinine -
eGFR -
Protein -
Ketone -
Bilirubin -
Leucocyte -
pH -
Specific gravity -
Glucose -
Molecular Diagnostic
Covid - 19 RT PCR Test
CA125 -
Mbio Sihat
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